Friday, January 20, 2012

Home Is Where Your (Shopping) Cart Is

AITOOW thinks it's funny that they are trotting out the old "think of the children" refrain to try and argue for income equality or unemployment benefits or whatever subsidy they want you to pay for? We have stories about kids living in vans. Isn't that a home? A better home than 80% of the world has. A better home than most people have had throughout history. We have stories about them living in tents. Their (the bank's) home was foreclosed on. They don't have TV. They don't have videogames. They don't have I Phones. Oh wait. They usually do. It's just another said attempt by the left to play at your heart strings instead of your head. It's shameful. They will use any demographic as a victim group. And yes I have heard stories about homeless pets.

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