Tuesday, June 4, 2013


AITOOW who read the last two days' business articles about Zynga in USA Today and wonders if they purposefully bifurcated the puff piece about their strategic ininitiatives or if the reporter was too dim to put two and two together in the first article? Article one was about doing away with under-performing games. Article two was about hundreds of layoffs. Did they (we need a different slang term for burying the lead if they did this purposefully) stretch or hide the news of the layoffs to mete out the content or were they hoodwinked by Zynga? A side note - any puff piece about a company is the canary in a coal mine. It's proactive flacking. Bad news is imminent. Look over here not over there. Either way, it's disturbing. Either the people they hire are naive/dupes or they are in cahoots or too sympathetic with the people they cover or they are trying to stretch their material. In any event, they look inept. In related news, it's comforting to see that the trick Zynga tried to pull was as recycled as the games they deliver.

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