Tuesday, February 25, 2014

This Baloney Has A First Name

AITOOW doesn't understand what passes for art these days? If I have to see another one of these films/performances lauded on Charlie Rose or the like, I'll scream.

American Hustle was a poor imitation of a Scorcese film (ie Casino). I hate the director's obsession with under lighting and his repetitive use of actors (especially in consecutive films). Jennifer Lawrence was over the top and miscast (age alone). she is not capable of doing any role yet. Bradley Cooper was less believable than he was in SLP. Adams, Bale, and Louie CK were good. They saved it from being as banal as SLP. The material was great. O Russell just tarnished it with his "stylism".

Nebraska had the gravitas and puerile pretension of a film school submission. It would be terrific as a table top book, but, it was a movie. Why do some auteurs not understand that things that make interesting still images are not enough to make an interesting moving image (at least a linear, non-metaphorical one). The plot and setting was dull. The payoff was small. The actors ranged from miscast to (hopefully) novice. I have no idea why they are lauding the old lady. She could barely get the dialogue out of her mouth. I hope she isn't a professional actress. The nomination is some sort of joke/pity. Dern just had to play a guy whose mind is blown and has a limp. Not hard for an ex-hippy. I think the director said he wanted to tell stories about real people not Super Heroes. But, this material has already been plowed.

Captain Phillips was ok. Hanks couldn't even do a proper accent. He's just a beneficiary of A material. The director did more with first timers than the guy who directed Nebraska (probably didn't have time to interact with the humans because he was setting up shots). It wasn't really a must see.

I liked most of the others. Didn't see Philomena or DBC yet. Cate Blanchett proved Woody Allen can't ruin every film he sets out to make if he has Cate Blanchett carrying 80% of the weight. The Bradley Cooper nomination  is a joke. Amy Adam's tits and his perm were more memorable than him. Her best prestidigitation is making us believe she is sexy when she is so obviously not. Fassbender had the bigger role, but, other supporting players in his own film were more nuanced. He was just a dick. The whole supporting actress category is a joke. The Blue Jasmine actress did an ok job if that isn't her being her (never seen her in anything else). The Lupita girl did an ok job. Same complaint as I had with Fassbender. Gravity was all special effects and one panic-y lady, so I'm not sure if the production part of it (directing) deserved mention. Before Midnight and Her deserve the writing awards. Jonah Hill was great, but, I think it was an impersonation more than acting. I didn't see Osage, but, the commercials made Streep's and Roberts performances look unworthy. Not that Roberts has ever been worthy. I'm guessing dope addict Matt McConaughey is only getting accolades because he lost weight and the material is gay sensitive. You can't act through a marijuana haze. The eyes look all Costas-y. Di Caprio needs to reach for harder material.

BTW - I keep seeing clips of this older film with Meryl Streep and Robert De Niro. She acts circles around him. He does his "furrow his brows" and then "puff out his lips" thing. She is all perfect subtlety. How did De Niro ever get a reputation (Pacino too) as a good actor? Were the 70's so devoid of talent that these guys passed as talented? They are just loud and feral.

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