Sunday, February 14, 2021

Democratic Imp-unity

AITOOW thinks AOC (not the Australian Open) could be a Disney hero (like Kamel Toe) called the Snowflake Queen? Not because she is a Scheherazade type story teller who tries to snow the public with melodramatic tales, but, becasue she is what happens when you indulge children. Add on the usual pass large breasted women usually experience and you've got a real problem on your hands. Talk about priveleged. I also like that the new admin fakes like they are analyzing an issue when they have already decided on the outcome. You can use their "outcome" based standard to infer intent/guilt. Every result of everyone of their "objective" determinations will be what the admin's puppetmasters wanted them to be. Kind of like how the House conducts impeachment proceedings. In that regard, the DOD's investigations and morotorium is merely window dressing for a purge. Let us all guess what the outcome will be. remember this in a few weeks. And the "equity" push will be far from what anyone would consider equitable. I would expect that at worst this kind of discrimination would be limited to porportional representation. IE - blacks are at 13%. Their representation would be capped at that. If network news is any indication, those caps will be inverted. I assume they will use the remedial justification. Like slave state California and reparations. Oh wait, they weren't even a state then.

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