Sunday, February 28, 2021

Gig-iddy Gigiddy

AITOOW wonders if it is a good thing we are opening the economy to things like iber and airbnb? On one hand they add supply. On the other, they seem to be more or just as expensive. And they can be less "good". People in third world communities have gypsy cabs and boarding houses. Are we regressing? Sounds like Cuba. I've heard non-pros are opening up "pop up" dining. Didn't these businesses used to be called "favors"? I'll give you a ride. Stat at my place. Come on over for dinner. Is this the result of people having no roots? Now we must pay for these things? Is that healthy? It so funny that every issue seems to be a trade off. No yes or no answer. Opening things up can lead to more competition which can cause the entrnched infrastructure to innovate and improve. Or it can cause a deterioration in both due to the lack of "professionalism/over sight. Licensing can create a base line or be used to entrench an unresponsive industry. It can lower cost or increase it because of additional up front costs to compete and lower profit margins and wasted supply. Ahh, the world of commerce. So many ways to view it. I guess the real winner is the tax man. These companies shrink the "secret" economy.

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