Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dim Dwarf

AITOOW would like to add former Sec. Robert Reich to the list of people who don't get it? He was on Conan last night pontificating on the foibles of the American economic system. He spouted some statistics (source?) that bemoaned the fact that the richest 1% grew by x percent over the last x years while the poorest grew poorer. Could that be because the richest 1% are the richest because they created value that benefited the rest of society and themselves? No. It must all because of tax policy. There was no wealth created in that time period. Only the pre-wealthy existed then and now. Could it also be that among the poorest are illegals that pull down the wages of that whole tier? He also bemoaned the poor citizens that are losing their houses. You mean the ones that falsified loan application forms or the ones who are consciously walking away from their obligations because their houses are under water? So now they are renters again. There just back to where they were before. I would be non-plussed if I believed that he was just distorting the truth for political expediency, but, I think he really believes it. The only reason he even gets airtime is because Consey is lobster fucking Massachusetts liberal (as evidenced by his ad libbed recitation of CNN and MSNBC as the place where he hears talk about the economy).

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