Sunday, September 14, 2008

This is SNL

AITOOW discerned an overtly leftist return by the cast of SNL and their dwarfish Canadian Rasputin? They had been biting their tongues since 9/11 in cowardly corporative calculation. Now, fear and desperation makes them fly their true colors. What audacity and egotism that they presume that they can shape public opinion. Maybe they can invite David Littleman, Cohoque O'Brien, Bill Dia-Maher, Jimmy Crinke Cut and the fag from the VMA's to a symposium on how to left up the rest of late night. I would personally like to single out Beth Myers for his overt partisanship. You bitter Boston micro-phallus. You were so untalented that they sequestered you at the News Update desk. Just like your second class, ugly Red Sox, the Democratic party is a group of dirty losers. They will find another way to choke. You can only win when the other side gets bored of winning or when fortune swings so wildly out of balance. What is it like to have your whole identity defined by being rejected by the cool kids? To be the great unwashed mass? Is the root of the rage that seethes under you and every Mass-hole engendered by the same Irish curse that afflicts your neighbors? You hide behind a self-created delusion of intellectual superiority to hide your subconscious realization of your Darwinian inferiority. Really, Beth. Really. I can't wait until the backlash redounds to your corporate earnings report. Stick to what you do least worst - bad comedy.

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