Monday, September 8, 2008

Open Door Policy

AITOOW found it telling that the Black Dove answered as such - " I am inclined to believe..." when asked about the Fannie Mae bail out. It's not what he said it's how he said it. Lawyers are so particular it's funny. Especially when their career path is through public office. Will there be a press conference when inclination to believe turns into belief? I also found it interesting that he never penned a brief or article as head of the Harvard (I transfered in from Occidental) Law Review. You would think they would demand his preternatural cognition. Maybe he had inclined to, but never got around to it. He also, supposedly, never put his race in the application. Hmm, is it because Barrack Hussein Obama leaves no doubt or was he still inclining when the due date arrived? He has written almost nothing since. Inclining though. And he lost his first election campaign to his female mentor (who he tried to undercut). Maybe he should have inclined. Is the question this time around - Did you incline? Instead of did you inhale? We know he did number 2. Eew a pun. As DDL said in There Will Be Blood, "I look around at people and I see nothing worth liking". Applies to incliners too.

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