Friday, April 3, 2009

Ben-ding to Pressure

AITOOW who was shocked that liberal lobster fuck Ben Assflick actually was the first to step forward in an obsequious attempt to lampoon the president? It happened on fellow monster chin Assachusettite Jay Leno's talk show. Although, he prefaced it with the caveat (inaccurate) that it (the president's verbal pauses) only happens after a thoughtful, paragraph length explanation (an obvious dig at W's fact driven retorts). What Big Head Ben went on to attempt (sheepishly) was a "uhm" moments that occur every half a sentence in an Obama speech and his robotic cadence. An imperfection that is as obvious as it is ignored by the people who's job it is to poke fun at such affectations. It was funny to see him abandon the impersonation half way as he was obviously getting eye fucked by the Obamatons in the audience.

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