Sunday, January 31, 2010

I Want It All and I Want It Now

AITOOW who understands the new political zeitgeist? Today's voter is impatient. This makes them anti-incubent. They are impatient because the world has sped up and they are empowered in new ways. The internet gives them ways of networking and editorializing they didn't have in the past. The Dems caught the first wave in '06 because they were more tech savvy. Now they are being taken out by the undertow. The Repubs will get they second wave in '10 but will probably waste it. The electorate is more federal now. As the world gets smaller and federalism is lauded in schools, the electorate has become Americans first and then members of their states. Now their competition is China, et al not Alabama. Politicians who survive by bringing pork back to their communities will not receive the support they did in the past. They must have a national perspective. You won't be able to rely on mutual back-scratching any longer. It's winner take all on all the large issues. And it's all about large issues at this point in our history. We are at a tipping point. The direction of our Federation will be charted this decade. Intra-state squabbling dissipates when you have the whole world breathing down your neck. You have to be big to compete (you think these disagreements are big wait until we have to join a multi-country union to compete). States can't do it alone. It's nothing our MNC's haven't been grappling with since the late '80's or the Federalists were warning about in the 1700's.

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