Saturday, May 28, 2011

Another Brick In The Wall

AITOOW feels society is in a downward trajectory and it can all be traced back to the fact that nobody accepts constructive (or any) criticism any more? It isn't allowed. If people can't be made to see that they are in error then they can never learn. They don't improve. Society stagnates or rolls back. I point the finger (where else) at the drug addled hippies (who are responsible for almost every dumb idea currently manifesting itself in our society) and their esteem movement that metamorphosed in the 90's (when they took their turn running things). It began as a way to keep minorities from quitting. Tell them whatever they did was good. Pump up their ego. Make them think that life wasn't so daunting and maybe they would make an effort so we wouldn't have to carry them any longer. Unfortunately, it spread to all parts of society. It created the situation we have now. A society full of brick walls that are just about as smart.

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