Thursday, June 16, 2016


AITOOW thinks Barry Barry Quite Contrary has an undiagnosed (or treated) inferiority complex that manifests itself in an inability to admit error? I see this psychosis is almost all black people. Not stereotyped for their uncommon intelligence, they view each of their individual "failures" as a reinforcement of the collective stereotype. A individual failure that also disenfranchises the whole group they associate with (since their identities are so tied to the collective race). The accepted stereotype does not avail themselves of a healthy enough ego to accept criticism of their mental faculties. Additionally, some are just too stupid to realize they are stupid. A trait not particular to their identity group. However, that is not a psychological issue.

Being the first president of his race increases and publicizes the chance to be wrong and magnifies the guilt quotient. His inherited economic situation also contributes to his inferiority complex. His abuse of the perks of the office and complaints of being treated disrespectfully illustrate his abused ego. Being "rejected" by his father also contributes.

The coddling he received as an affirmative action charity case didn't negate the feelings of intellectual inferiority. They just suppressed them. He is now of an age where he can see that he isn't as accomplished as he was led to believe. He was graded on a scale. He wasn't better than all those rich white kids. He was just told he was by latent racists. He doesn't seem to have come to terms with this realization. His adult successes may have been misinterpreted as accomplishments and confused the issue. He may not have seen his "accomplishments" as more white charity and black opportunism manifested in a glorified beauty contest. A "rigged" one in many instances. He may have even entered his presidency with his adolescent inferiority complex in check. The universal adulation he thought he received upon his election, may have satiated his ego. However, I believe that ever since that point, his ego has been shaken (by criticism and obstruction) and it has re-activated his inferiority complex.

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