AITOOW who read an excellent article in Sunday's NY Post (by Paula Froelich I think) on this Robin Williams/Sean Penn looking false prophet. It has been a while since I lapped up his sanctimonious pedagogy, but, this just confirmed my suspicions. It's as stale as his music. It seems he uses your money (to his One foundation) like most leftist "philanthropic(on)s". He spends it on diversions/escapades for himself, his family, his friends, his associates and marketing to create causes to get at more of your money. No real/tangible work.
I'd also like to take this time to remind you that when you donate to a specific cause (like Irma hurricane relief with the Red Cross), they just dump that money into a general welfare fund and it can end up supporting people like the PLO. And if you saw all the black people (not players) sitting during the national anthem of a Houston Texans game (in person) like I did last week, you might not be so quick to give to these ingrates.
There was also a mindless puff piece in that paper defending selfies. The sophomoric thesis was that criticism = misogyny. The real thesis is - I (the author) do it (and don't want to admit I'm a shallow narcissist) AND I read a whole book (possibly over 100 pages) on it (the singular reference support for the article) that said it was ok, so stop saying it's wrong (a behavior I would have to commit energy towards curtailing/a restriction on my Id). I know the paper probably has to include these glorified blog posters to appeal to a demographic or to prove they aren't discriminatory or provide a job for the spawn or side piece of an important executive or board member, but, it really detracts from real articles like the one cited above. But, you know, I'm just trying to exert my privilege on the most over-privileged cohort on the planet - CAPS (Clueless American Princesses).
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