Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Felon League Assualt

AITOOW wonders how off base the owner of the Texans was when he called football players "prisoners"? Are we saying that there are no law breakers in the NFL? I seem to recall more than one news report about manslaughter, domestic violence, gun possession, drug possession, assault, battery, dog fighting, tax evasion, dui, speeding, menacing, sexual assault, etc. It even occurs before they get to the league. I wish I was industrious enough to compile the stats. So, not only was the quote purposely taken out of context to advance an self serving agenda, it was semi-accurate. Now, saying all that, I still may join them in a kneel down after the bullshit way I was treated by incompetent state troopers this weekend. The funny thing is that both these idiot groups were probably teammates in high school.

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