Thursday, July 9, 2020

Make America Better Again

AITOOW thinks Trump (and every Republican) needs to meet (or offer personal condolences) with every minority family who has a loved one killed by lawlessness from now until Election Day? He is probably wasting his time with victims of police brutality. He needs to peel off votes from those groups (double hit to Lie-den with a loss of vote to him and an added one to Trump). It may also garner him votes from the women (and rest of the 6%) he lost in the mid terms. They all vote on emotion or self interest (and the metoo movement has taken a back seat). Pointing out Lie-dens failures and his own accomplishments are rational arguments. These idiots won't be influenced by them. Hammering him on his Alzheimer's will be evident enough and seem mean. This is a race between him and Obama. Or him and white guilt. He can't let those white idiots think that a vote for Lie-den (Slappy Joe) is a vote for peace (race relations). He has to take that talking point by seeming sympathetic and tough on lawlessness. These victimized families will probably be amenable to that message (and attention) and let these guilt ridden white appeasers channel their angst towards Trump's message of using stability to really make (worthwhile) black lives matter.

He's been handed this opportunity by the opposition. He can use their weight against them. They can be labeled as promoting disorder and violence and only being concerned with criminals. He also has to demand that the Republicans get the H of R back for any progress to occur. It has to be a binary choice. Him or criminals. Him or chaos. No more checks on his power. The people have to choose a side. And hopefully the voters will be scared enough to make this a change election because of all the disharmony already occurring in the world. Make them fear the unknown of the new Democratic party. He can also continue with the "America is Great" message. He just has to make it seem like America is never satisfied and constantly evolving towards its unprecedented promise.

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