Tuesday, July 14, 2020

No Justice No War

AITOOW thinks 2020 will be a repeat of 2018 for one simple reason? Republicans are too well trained. They don't cause a fuss. They don't They don't stand up for themselves. They don't scare the great undecided into voting with them. As such, they will vote with the mob. In the misperception that things will calm down. The squeaky wheel syndrome. You can see it playing out in states where government is imposing martial law. Hell, it doesn't need to be martial. These pussies cow to threats and edicts. The July 4th beach shut downs in CA (and lack of dissent) emboldened the governor into canceling schools. That and pressure from the craven teacher's union (and the selfish paid upfront teacher themselves) to close it down. Quick question. Why can't they hire one "super" teacher to virtually teach every student? And then furlough all the others? I'll bet we'd have students back in the classroom then. I also wonder what would happen if Republicans in blue states don't send in their census form as a n act of protest. It would decrease the number of representatives (and national influence) their states have. Something they shouldn't mind. Their states already are already in hock, so, the reduction in federal aid wouldn't matter much. They'll just borrow more. Plus, they can move after and still give their state a ten year FU.

Do you think there is any chance the illiberals are responsible for increased Wu Flu infections? Could they be so low as to encourage their voters to swamp testing centers and (worse) get the flu o purpose? Or are their constituents just that irresponsible. I'm basing this on the facts that I'm told it is a racist virus and you never hear (the one time) racial break downs on the news.

And why are La Raza and Bernie Bros never mentioned when mayhem rears its ugly head. Did we forget about them?

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