Saturday, April 12, 2008

Fox Sports Baseball

AITOOW is having trouble understanding how any of the three studio hosts have a job? I really think they would be picked last if this were elementary school and the whole world was eligible. Jeannie Zalasko has something worse than that last name. It's her hatchet job (no not her snatch but I bet it's huge if the corolation between it and a girl's nose is true). That is the worst nose job I've ever seen. It's nauseating. It's like a stretched out piece of Silly Putty. Mr. Potato Head laughs at it. Erik Karros has more of a mush mouth than Dan Dierdorf. He looks like he has AIDS (which would explain some of the rumors that were tossed around about him and Mike Piazza and his mannerisms). Wait maybe it's the aftermath of a stroke. He's balding. Kevin Kennedy is a zit beard with a porn stash. He makes you want to play darts. But worst of all, they mis-speak all the time and rarely say something illuminating. Zalasko just confirms everyones suspicions that girls can not do sports. It's just an added insult that she's not even something to look at. All this just makes me wonder what the criteria for being employed in this field is. It really feels like a lottery.

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