Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jerry Wright

AITOOW understands that Jerry's latest appearances are not acts of vindictiveness against Barry. They are merely an attempt to acquire the "pulpit" of black society and guard the industry of black dependency. Like Jessie, Fat Albert, et al, Jerry can't keep himself in zoot suits without a disenfranchised black populace that can play on white guilt for reparations, blackmail and charity. Just like the southern sharpee that frequented pool halls and picket fences outside of social gathering places, he needs an audience of ignorant, unsatisfied hayseeds to spin yarns around. Without them he is an unemployed dilitante. With them he is a pedagoge. He has celebrity. He has respect. He has purpose. Unfortunately for him, he is so imersed in afro-centricity that he can't see that he doesn't need to stop integration. Barry is not a threat to his paradigm. This is a class issue not a race issue. Dependency is an issue that speaks to a large audience.

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