Monday, April 28, 2008

Jonah Hill

AITOOW thinks this hedgehog is not remotely funny. Out of all the untalented Apatow entourage, he is by far the worst. His mumbling, stoner schtick is neither witty nor
original. Here's a tip. Seth Rogen is the invisible line you don't want to cross. As far as obscure, character actors that may break through for a movie or two, you can't be stupider, uglier, stranger, or crasser than him. Anything beyound Rogen and you have entered the unappealing zone and you should not be exhibited for public consumption. People barely get the Jew-topian rantings of Rogen. Anything beyond him is only understood by teenagers with Jew-fro's who have spent time masturbating to Israeli travel brochures at a Jewish summer camp.

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