Saturday, June 21, 2008


AITOOW saw this coming? Stubborn, self possessed, greedy butterball versus stubborn, self possessed, greedy 8th grader. While I hate the Red Sox (and any team that thinks it is a nation), I can feel for their owners. Their 12 year old GM (who traded away Hanley Ramirez) gave an injured 41 year old pitcher 8-9 million dallahs. The pitcher then tells him that he needs surgery. The surgery will make it so he can't pitch for the season he just signed for (side note - I wonder who pays for the surgery). The GM tries to save face by forcing him to rehab. Now here's the part we all saw coming. The pitcher gives it a "try" and after what is probably a legally sufficient period of time says the boo boo gives him an owwie and schedules the surgery any way. Take that poindexter. It's unbelievable what these players can get away with. The rehab was demonstrably strengthening the shoulder. Yet, a fat douche bag can mail it in and still collect his salary. You know he thinks he's entitled even though his ERA has been north of 4 for the last couple of half seasons he has made onto the field for. You defrauded your team. Please let karma swarm all over this prick.

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