Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Worst Catch Phrase

AITOOW thinks that Mark Jackson has the lamest catch phrase in the biz? "Momma there goes that man" was bad enough once, but, he interjects it whenever possible. He forces it in there like he used to force his fat ass into the stomachs of opposing defenders. Also like him, this catch phrase is slow (minded), old and unoriginal. I think it's listed in the poseurs guide to Barber Shop talk. Is there no end to the clueless ex-athlete buffet of sports announcers? Don't they get that players are too stupid to analyze their sport? The just play pick up. They don't understand the how and why. And they definetly can't see past "the formula for success" (like they could pathom more than one method). They only parrot tired cliches and mis-perceptions. A guy like Van Hair Plug runs intellectual circles around this guy and he is often ridiculed by this field mouse looking moron. You're too stupid to know how stupid you are. Thank God no one gave you a coaching gig. You're no Doc Rivers (Magic Johnson maybe).

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